Zimbabwe Schools needs your help, too. Please make a donation today.

Join us on this journey. Let’s work together to bring hope to the children of Zimbabwe through Tanaka Education Fund.

Your donation will go a long way to changing lives and help us meet the following goals:

Recurrent Needs:

  • Paying tuition for the underprivileged kids
  • Supplying sanitary pads to school-going teenage girls
  • Buying text books and stationary
  • Buying computers and school desks
  • Drilling Boreholes for clean water supply to schools
  • Renovating schools, building libraries and toilets
  • Supplying nutritious food hungry kids.

COVID-19 Induced Needs:

  • Masks
  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Infrared Thermometers
  • Solar Panels For Power for Online learning
  • E-learning Equipment ( Laptop computers, solar chargers, etc)

We are in this together. #HopeThroughEducation

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