Our Story


Going to school barefoot on an empty stomach every day. Seeing other children going to school and you can’t because you’re an orphan. Being married off because you are a girl child and your family is too poor to send you to school. Many girls in Zimbabwe get married or pregnant before their 18th birthday.

I could have been that girl or that boy with shattered dreams and still struggling in Zimbabwe. I count myself as one of the blessed ones, I was lucky to escape and my parents too. My father grew up in this community where girls are destined to be community property and boys get more opportunities to education.

I could not help but cry as my mother narrated the struggles of children in Zimbabwe and when I visited the community, my heart bled. The unemployment rate in the country is above 95%. The government has no money to support schools. These children have no future without outside help. Last Christmas, I supplied groceries to these kids for their first cup of tea and bread in a year. I still see their smiles in my sleep.

I believe in life we all have a part to play in building the communities we come from. Three years ago I saved my allowance and adopted 10 children. I now support 37 kids from my allowances, donations from well wishers and fundraising. 14 of these kids are adopted in High School, and those initially adopted in 1st Grade are now in 6th Grade. Now I know that nothing is impossible, I can pursue my passion of improving education outcomes for marginalized, poor kids in Africa. God has blessed me with intellect, sport prowess, and compassion. As a recipient of God’s favor, I have an obligation and commitment to helping the less fortunate in our global community and I plan to see it through.

My accomplishments would not have been possible if I had been born in Zimbabwe. I am privileged, my parents came to the United States and I was born here. In 2014, at the age of 13 I began to see the world in a different light and saved my allowances from my parents to pay school fees, buy uniforms, books, and food for 10 orphans attending Mazvimba Primary School. These kids are now in 6th grade and achieving good grades. I need your help to take them further and do more – renovate the school, build new classrooms and a library, buy school furniture, supply clean water to the school, start a feeding program for orphans, and implement income generating projects in the community in order to reduce poverty. My dream is to empower the school and the women in the local community.

I need your help, these kids need your help, the school and its community needs your help. Walk with me as we transform lives. Be the hope that keeps these children smiling.