Who we are

The Tanaka Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) Tax- Exempt Non Profit organization whose sole purpose is to improve education outcomes for marginalized children in Zimbabwe and to promote income-generating projects in the local communities.

Home is where the heart is…

When you get to Mazvimba Primary School your heart sinks. The structures are incomplete, seeing the future leaders of tomorrow running around in the sand, smiles on their faces and knowing their future is bleak if you do not do anything about it is just sad.

Mazvimba Primary School is a rural school located in the Chirumanzi District in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe and it needs your help. Every rural school in Zimbabwe faces challenges that we take for granted, such as text books, writing materials, stationery, classroom furniture and even sufficient classrooms. For any one of these schools to have any sort of infrastructure, somebody has to take an interest and we have taken an interest in Mazvimba Primary School.

Help us raise money

By donating to the Tanaka Education Fund, you will help us raise money that will buy text books and writing materials, tables and benches, uniforms, and even food and tuition for those who most desperately need it. Once we reach our goals for these simple things, we will begin raising funds to help the school build more classrooms. Currently there are 340 to 350 students in 7 classrooms at Mazvimba Primary School. The ages of the students range from 5 to 14 years, with pre-schoolers and first graders sharing a room.

This averages out to approximately 50 students per classroom, with one teacher per room. Five of the classrooms have half the number of tables and benches they need to seat all the children. Two classrooms have no furniture whatsoever. Those students with no bench to sit on or a table to sit at sit on the floor. These students face more challenges than just those listed above.